Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Suzana Mihajlovic, Your2Minds Pty Ltd: Business Challenges & Successes

In this exclusive interview series, hosted by Jesse Samberg, we delve into the inspiring journey of Suzana Mihajlovic, the founder of Your2Minds Pty Ltd. After taking a leap of faith and leaving a secure job to pursue her passion, Suzana shares the challenges she faced in the early stages of her business and how she overcame them. From struggling with selling to mastering marketing, Suzana’s story is a testament to perseverance and growth in the small business landscape. Join us as we uncover the unforgettable moments and valuable lessons that have shaped Suzana’s entrepreneurial path.

Interviewee Name: Suzana Mihajlovic

Company: Your2Minds Pty Ltd

Intervirew Host: Jesse Samberg

The Interview

Let’s get started. First, we’d like to know more about how you started your business journey

Suzana Mihajlovic : After 25 years in the helping professions (20 years of which were in senior management), I finally took a leap of faith. In early 2017, I took the biggest risk of my life and left a ‘secure’ full-time job in management to pursue my passion and purpose. When I started my business, it was probably the worst time because I had 2 mortgages that I was paying of on my own (almost $500,000 mrtgage debt) and I had never ever been in business before.

Reflecting on your business history, what stands out as the single greatest challenge you’ve successfully navigated, and how did you overcome it?

Suzana Mihajlovic : The first year in business was truly one of the most difficult times of my life. I was literally having panic attacks and did not know how I was going to survive. It was one of the darkest periods and everything felt like it was falling apart. I had no idea how to get my business going and I did not receive a client until 9 months after left work (I discounted my program substantially for this one client so I was earning hardly anything). I had no confidence in myself and had no clue how to sell. For my entire working life, I had a ‘job’. That meant I relied on someone else to pay me. I think my self-image as a ‘business owner’ was very poor.

I remember at one stage I had redrawn so much money out of my mortgage for my business that I felt I could not attend business training in Toronto, Canada with my mentor Bob Proctor. I knew deep down this was a tipping point. I felt sick and I knew if I did not go, I would have to go back to work in a ‘job’ and quit my business dream. Luckily, my incredible partner (who had been in business most of his life) was wiser. I turned to him telling him that I do not think I could go to Canada for training. Without flinching he said that he did not think I could afford not to go. He advised that I either give it absolutely everything I have got or quit. I listened and went and that training was my turning point. I came back home with a razor sharp focus and strong business success self-image and the rest is history.

Businesses often face ongoing challenges. What does your business consistently grapple with, and how do you tackle these challenges head-on?

Suzana Mihajlovic : Business equals challenge. For every stage of growth there is a massive stretch. You never quite arrive unless you stop. Every single year has a big challenge for us. I think three challenges are consistent every year – 1. how do we reach a broader audience? 2. How do we servie our global community of clients better than we have ever done before? 3. How do we ensure we have the right systems in place to meet our stretch. These three challenges are always met with the internal stretch that must happen first – and that is becoming the visionary, service minded leader that is aligned with the next big goal. If you do not stretch and develop a new image of yourself, the foundation you are building will topple.

Can you share with us the most unforgettable story involving a customer or client? What made it memorable, and what lessons did you draw from the experience?

Suzana Mihajlovic : Back in 2019, I had an Australian client who was in our community doing our twelve month coaching program. During our last group call, she asked is she could say a few words. She explained that when she started the coaching program, she was not able to pay her mortgage and she did not know where the funds to pay for the program would come from. She embarked on the journey anyway and set her goal to be a millionaire. She reported that on leaving the program she had a 7-figure sum in her back account and felt this result had been because of the learnings she developed about herself and her new understanding of how to tap into her own potential. After struggling in business for the first 12 to 18 months, this story gave me the confidence and belief and the inspiration to keep going. All of the hard work and the anxiety I experienced had paid off in that moment.

Looking ahead, what are your current plans for your business when you retire?

Suzana Mihajlovic : I am not sure if I will ever retire – not because of need but more so because I am truly living my purpose through the service I provide in my business. It genuinely fulfills my soul. When the day comes, I would love to train leaders around the world to do what I am doing and pass it over to the younger generations so that this work continues to change and impact individuals all over the world.

Navigating the small business landscape can be both challenging and rewarding. Can you share a bit about the specific hurdles you’ve encountered in areas like sales, marketing, and adapting to changing customer trends?

Suzana Mihajlovic : I have had so many hurdles during the past seven years in business. My first hurdle was around selling. I came from the Community Services sector where we never asked for clients to pay for our service. For a long time, I would cringe and freeze whenever I asked a potential client for money. It was until I really understood what selling was. My great mentor and dear friend Bob Proctor taught me how to sell and he made me realise that I cannot help anyone until I sell what I have to offer. For about three to four years, I was very challenged by marketed. I invested alot of money in marketing companies who did not deliver the results I needed so it took a lot of effort and a lot of money to start getting this element of my business right. I do not think we have nailed marketing yet but we are sure alotbetter at it than what we have been in the past.

Leaders Perception magazine would like to thank Suzana Mihajlovic and “Your2Minds Pty Ltd” for the time dedicated to completing this interview and sharing their valuable insights with our readers!

Interested in connecting with the host of this interview series? Feel free to reach out to Jesse Samberg on LinkedIn: Jesse Samberg’s LinkedIn Profile

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