Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Jaime Nacach – Virtual Latinos: Building a Remote Team & Overcoming Challenges

In this exclusive interview series, hosted by Jesse Samberg, we delve into the inspiring journey of Jaime Nacach, the founder of Virtual Latinos. Jaime shares his entrepreneurial story, from the inception of Bloominari to the evolution of Virtual Latinos, a platform connecting top Latin American professionals with North American businesses. Reflecting on his experiences, Jaime discusses overcoming challenges in building a remote team, navigating rapid growth, and fostering impactful client relationships. Join us as we explore Jaime’s vision for the future of Virtual Latinos and the valuable lessons learned along the way.

Interviewee Name: Jaime Nacach

Company: Virtual Latinos

Intervirew Host: Jesse Samberg

The Interview

Let’s get started. First, we’d like to know more about how you started your business journey

Jaime Nacach : My business journey began 11 years ago when I pursued my dream of starting a business. Fueled by my passion for marketing, my objective was clear—to assist other businesses in thriving and enhancing their visibility. With this vision in mind, I established Bloominari, a digital marketing company. The name ‘Bloominari’ is inspired by ‘Bloom,’ representing both growth and renewal, encapsulating the essence of our mission.

As my marketing business grew, I decided it was time to seek virtual support. So, I searched online and hired a virtual assistant from the Philippines. However, this working relationship did not yield the best outcomes, as the person I hired faced significant miscommunication issues, and ultimately, it was not what I needed. This experience also made me realize that the time difference posed one of the biggest challenges affecting ease of communication and execution of tasks. I became determined to find the best VA in my time zone. Eventually, I found an exceptional professional from Guatemala who continues as a leader on our team today.

During this time, I began to recognize the massive potential of remote work. I pictured building a platform to connect the North with the South and unite the top Latin American professionals with US and Canadian companies seeking virtual support and exceptional talent.

With this vision in mind, I devoted myself to constructing Virtual Latinos. The journey began with a vision and has since evolved into a thriving platform that facilitates valuable working relationships and empowers professionals and businesses. We have assisted over 1,000 companies in finding the virtual assistance they need and have facilitated job opportunities for more than 1,300 Latino professionals. It has been a journey of immense learning and gratification to witness our positive impact on all the parties involved.

As this year begins, we are still fully committed to our ambitious goal of impacting 1 million lives within the next decade, and we are pouring our hearts into this shared objective.

Reflecting on your business history, what stands out as the single greatest challenge you’ve successfully navigated, and how did you overcome it?

Jaime Nacach : Reflecting on Virtual Latinos’ journey, building a cohesive remote team across different countries and time zones with a robust system and procedures to work effectively was one of the most significant challenges. It was my first time building a remote company, so Initially, establishing effective communication, fostering a strong company culture, and ensuring seamless collaboration posed some hurdles.

To overcome this challenge, we implemented a combination of strategies. We prioritized transparent communication channels, leveraging technology to bridge geographical gaps. Additionally, we focused on cultivating a shared sense of purpose and belonging among team members through regular virtual meetings, team-building activities, and ongoing training initiatives. We also host a yearly in-person summit, where some members of the team can meet and collaborate face-to-face, leading to deeper connections and a stronger company culture. I always nurture a culture of trust, flexibility, and accountability, and I am proud to say that we strengthened our remote team and fostered unity despite the physical distance.

Overcoming this challenge took a period of readjustment, but it has been immensely rewarding and has laid the foundation for Virtual Latinos’ continued growth and success.

Businesses often face ongoing challenges. What does your business consistently grapple with, and how do you tackle these challenges head-on?

Jaime Nacach : We operate within a relatively new industry, meaning our company has not been established for decades. Nonetheless, the remote work industry continues to grow, expanding our business. Witnessing Virtual Latinos evolve year after year is truly remarkable to me. Recently, we achieved the 80th position on the Inc 5000 list of the fastest-growing private businesses in the United States. However, rapid growth presents its challenges. As processes become outdated, restructuring becomes necessary to accommodate expansion. This has been our most significant challenge thus far, which we persist in addressing with actions such as restructuring our leadership team, creating specialized recruitment pods, and hiring experts to help us anticipate new challenges in the years ahead.

My team and I firmly believe in the positive outcomes change can bring, even if it occasionally introduces uncertainty. We are enthusiastic about further growth and the opportunity to impact people’s lives significantly.

Can you share with us the most unforgettable story involving a customer or client? What made it memorable, and what lessons did you draw from the experience?

Jaime Nacach : There are many remarkable stories, but one that stands out is that of a client who transitioned into becoming one of my closest friends and an integral part of the Virtual Latinos team.

His name is René, and he is a technology expert. When René initially approached Virtual Latinos, he sought virtual administrative assistance for his business, which we provided. At that time, René expressed admiration for Virtual Latino’s purpose of connecting the South with the North. As someone passionate about technology, his business also sparked my interest in his expertise and business endeavors, and I saw an opportunity for collaboration. René began consulting with us on how we could enhance our operations through technology. His enthusiasm and dedication resonated deeply with me, and eventually, I invited him to officially join our team, which he graciously accepted.

With his arrival, we established a completely new technology Department at the end of last year. Today, René serves as our Director of the Technology Department, and I am genuinely excited about the possibilities and accomplishments we will continue to achieve together.

Through this experience, I learned the importance of remaining open-minded and proactive in seeking out opportunities for collaboration, even in unexpected places. It also underscores the value of passion and dedication in fostering successful partnerships.

Looking ahead, what are your current plans for your business when you retire?

Jaime Nacach : Virtual Latinos began as a family business, and it is my sincere desire to maintain that ethos even after I retire. As I do not see retirement in my near future, I still have many ideas and projects I am eager to implement within Virtual Latinos.

Reflecting on the legacy I wish to leave behind, I envision something greater than a successful business. I aspire to make a lasting impact by empowering and assisting more individuals and organizations. I am confident we will positively impact one million lives within the next decade. Moreover, by the time I retire, I hope this number will have grown even further, leaving a lasting legacy of meaningful change and support.

Navigating the small business landscape can be both challenging and rewarding. Can you share a bit about the specific hurdles you’ve encountered in areas like sales, marketing, and adapting to changing customer trends?

Jaime Nacach : Personally, I love marketing, and it has posed its own set of challenges. For instance, finding the proper channels to reach our target audience and effectively convey our message has required continuous experimentation and adaptation. Especially considering that we speak to two very different audiences: our clients, entrepreneurs, and business owners in Canada and the United States, and the other being our candidates or professionals in Latin America. Therefore, the channels and manner of communication cannot be the same.

Additionally, staying abreast of evolving marketing trends and technologies is essential in ensuring our efforts remain relevant and impactful. This entails regularly gathering feedback, monitoring market trends, and swiftly adjusting our strategies and offerings to meet evolving demands. While these hurdles can be daunting at times, they also present valuable opportunities for growth and innovation.

Our marketing team remains proactive, adaptive, and focused on delivering exceptional value to our audience; this way, we can navigate these challenges and continue driving success for Virtual Latinos.

Leaders Perception magazine would like to thank Jaime Nacach and “Virtual Latinos” for the time dedicated to completing this interview and sharing their valuable insights with our readers!

Interested in connecting with the host of this interview series? Feel free to reach out to Jesse Samberg on LinkedIn: Jesse Samberg’s LinkedIn Profile

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